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Monday, August 25, 2014

Gorilla in our midst

Props to HealthDataManagement:
Health Gorilla Goes Mobile, Gets Big Funding Boost
Greg Goth, Aug 25th, 2014

Healthcare information marketplace vendor Health Gorilla has released a mobile app for iOS devices.

The Sunnyvale, Calif.-based company says its Health Gorilla Mobile enables physician users to securely and compliantly forward diagnostic test results, radiology images, admission and discharge summaries, and other clinical documents to patients and care coordinators through secure messaging.

Features of the platform include its HIPAA-compliant and ONC modular certified Meaningful Use Stage 2 status, immediacy of receiving and forwarding results to patients and other clinicians, the elimination of paper processes, and a no-charge business model for doctors and their teams...
They just got $1.2 million in VC funding from venture capital firm True Ventures. I wish them well.


From No sugarcoating this.
1. Americans consume, on average, 765 grams of sugar every five days. To put that in perspective, in 1822 we consumed on average 45 grams every five days. That is equal to one can of soda. Now we consume 17 times that, or the equivalent of 17 cans of soda.

2. Americans consume 130 pounds of sugar every year. Our 1822 predecessors ate under 10 pounds of sugar a year. 130 pounds a year means about three pounds a week. That equals about 3,550 pounds in an average lifetime—approaching two tons of sugar.

3. More on that last one: 130 pounds of sugar equals about 1,767,900 Skittles. Or just fill an industrial a dumpster with Skittles.

4. The American Heart Association recommends we consume less than 10 teaspoons of sugar a day. The average adult American misses that mark by a lot. Like about 12 teaspoons. The average American gobbles down on average 22 teaspoons a day. And the average child? 32 teaspoons. Pretty sure none of us needs that much to make the medicine go down. Mary Poppins, it seems, was an enabler.

5. Our sugar consumption is both in plain sight and hidden, ingested from the most unlikely places. Sugar in cookies seems obvious. Sugar in potato chips not so much. And ketchup and TV dinners and soup and crackers and just about every other processed food out there. Who are the biggest baddies? Soft drinks lead the list at 33% of our sugar consumption (drink water instead of coke and you’ve already made a huge dent). Candy and other obvious sweets, 16%. Baked goods like cookies and cakes, 13%. Fruit drinks 10%. Sweetened yogurt, ice cream and milk almost 9%.

6. One can of Coke, 12 ounces, contains 10 teaspoons of sugary goodness. That’s more sugar than two Frosted Pop Tarts with a Twinkie thrown in.

7. The average American consumes 53 gallons of soda a year. Let’s do the math. 128 ounces in a gallon times 53. That’s 6,784 ounces. Or just to simplify it, that’s 565 cans of soda a year.

8. If you took away all the sugar in an average American diet, you would subtract 500 calories a day. Of course, since we are not taking it away, that means sugar adds 500 calories a day to our diet (and waistlines). That is like eating 10 strips of bacon a day. Even bacon-loving Americans might stop short of that.

9. So, given all the bad stuff: Diseases, bad teeth, expanding waistlines. Zero nutrition. Why do we keep consuming sugar? Well, there is that DNA connection. Sugar is how we are wired for energy, but evolution never took processed sugar into account. Sweets eaters survived because they ate more energy-efficient fruit and veggie sugar that metabolizes slowly and doesn’t kill us.

Sugar is as addictive as cocaine. Brain scans after sugar consumption, are very similar to when we do blow. Dopamine floods the brain and, boy, do we feel good...
I use maybe a quarter teaspoon of sugar in my coffee. Don't drink soft drinks, maybe break down and have a coke a year. Hardly use any salt in my cooking either. Inveterate label reader too -- "High fructose corn syrup" is a no-buy.

Then there's Gluten.

I only drink gluten-free water.

In other news...

"According to the CDC, on any given day, about one in twenty-five hospital patients have at least one HAI"
Data mining keeps HAIs from spreading
Infection surveillance technology proving to be a critical tool
..."One of the great things having a software as a service model is that we have the ability to do population-wide analysis, not only at the hospital-level but across health systems, CDC regions, and nationally," said Glover. Moreover, he said, "standardized data enables us to know that we're viewing the data in the same manner at a hospital in Birmingham Ala. as we're viewing the data at a hospital in Seattle."

MedMined employs the use of advanced analytics to help pinpoint patient population groups that need additional focus or that further evaluation of care. This is accomplished through a patented nosocomial infection marker. That patented algorithm, said Glover, identifies patients who have likely acquired an HAI.

"We utilize algorithms to look at the patient's current condition as we receive them; it's not making the final clinical determination," he said. "The algorithm reviews all of the patients and acts as a filter to narrow the scope of what needs to be evaluated by the clinicians."

Glover said it becomes very challenging for infection preventionists to be able to do whole-house surveillance on all infection types, not just does that are required to be reported to the government.

"Our system uses data mining technology to mine through all the hospital data and identify trends that could be outbreaks or clusters that have occurred that the hospital may not have previously identified. We really look at this technology as identifying the smoke before the fire."...
BobbyG THCB rant

Re: The Data Response Curve (In Honor of the Dose Response Curve) 


I live about 40 miles from the epicenter. Didn't feel a thing.

We were just up there last week, took our daughter to Brix for a glorious Sunday birthday brunch. Drove right through the area that was to become the epicenter.

Lots of injuries, some of them critical. No deaths thus far.

More to come...

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