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Monday, February 15, 2016

500,000+ hits on KHIT. Thank you.

Milepost, for whatever it's worth.

I'm still small fry. Iconoclastic lone wolf independent, no monetization. Some blogs get 100,000 hits a month. I get maybe 15,000 on a good month.

I just continue to do it because it's important. I guess some people agree.

All of it; EHRs per se, the much-unloved Meaningful Use (the core topic which launched this blog), UX, HIE, "Interoperability," "mHealth," the "Upstream," Analytics, Privacy, Workflow/Process QI, Organizational/Workforce Culture, Public Policy and Law, Markets (including IP and Health IT Venture Capital), Medical Science (including the "Omics," and applied science more broadly), "AI/IA," and Clinical Pedagogy -- each of the foregoing topics worthy of (and the subject of) blogs and books of their own, all of them vexaciously, n-dimensionally intertwined, overlapping, and frequently mutually cross-purpose confounding.

Maybe now with my 2015 cancer dx and tx fading into an unpleasant memory, I can get back up to speed (though I will yet have a couple of eye-rolling recent BCBS/RI time-wasting "shards" doozies to recount).

In two weeks I'll be covering HIMSS 2016. They granted my press pass for the 5th time.

I first covered HIMSS in 2012, in Vegas. There will be a lot of significant (watershed?) import on tap this year.

Stay tuned. And again, thank you for coming here.

Next up, I guess I'll title it "Syntactic and Semantic Interoperababble 2016." Spurred to a great degree by this recent THCB post "Interoperability Form and Function: Interview with Doug Fridsma." My comment thereunder:
I see “interoperababble” is alive and well, inclusive of leaving out a key phrase in the IEEE definition of interoperability: “…without special effort on the part of the user.” No amount of calling n-dimensionally interfaced “data exchange” “interoperability” will make it so.

Moreover, with respect to “SOAP.” it would properly be “SOAPe” (kudos to my former Sup Keith Parker at my QIO/REC/HIE for the observation), wherein the “e” refers to “evaluation” — i.e., “outcome” eval of the assessment and plan. In PDSA terms, the “e” would be the “S,” the “Study” component of science-based QI.

More to come...

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