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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Is Donald Trump now beyond the reach of the law?

It certainly appears that HE is betting on it..
Who, precisely, is primus inter pares? It has long been the overwhelming US legal consensus that it's SCOTUS. but,

Paraphrasing a reported musing of Stalin regarding the Pope—"how many Divisions does the Pope have?"
"Separation of Powers?" "Checks and Balances?" "Co-equal Branches?" 

Our "Originalists / Textualists" might have a few surprises in store.

I am no lawyer, nor a Constitutional historian, but I have been through every word of it multiple times. The 4th Amendment was a particular focus of my 1998 graduate thesis. The foregoing summation is from the output of a text analyzer I used on the complete Constitution. Below, the top 25 words sorted by decreasing frequency.
Unsurprising that the word “shall“ is right near the top (3). The old programmer in me couldn’t help, but notice the and / or / not frequently “boolean” operators (conjunctive, disjunctive, negation). More on that stuff later. It’s also germane that the combinatorial collections of the individual words are what really count linguistically to derive the prescriptions and proscriptions comprising constitutional governance language. Syntax that begets rational and clear meaning. 

Trump Signals He Might Ignore the Courts
Yesterday, the president said that no judge “should be allowed” to rule against the changes his administration is making.
By Jonathan Chait

The United States is sleepwalking into a constitutional crisis. Not only has the Trump administration seized for itself extraconstitutional powers, but yesterday, it raised the specter that, should the courts apply the text of the Constitution and negate its plans, it will simply ignore them.

The Spanish political scientist Juan Linz once theorized that presidential systems are more likely than parliamentary systems to undergo constitutional crises or coup attempts, because they create dueling centers of power. The president and Congress both enjoy popular elections, creating a clash of popular mandates when opposing parties win simultaneous control. “Who has the stronger claim to speak on behalf of the people,” Linz asked, “the president or the legislative majority that opposes his policies?” Presidential systems would teeter and fall, he argued, when the president and Congress could not resolve their competing claims to legitimacy.

A dozen years ago, when Republicans in Congress presented their majorities as having negated Barack Obama’s electoral mandate and began threatening to precipitate a debt crisis to force him to accept their domestic economic plan, Linz’s ideas began attracting renewed attention among liberal intellectuals. And indeed, the system is teetering. But the source of the emergency is nearly the opposite of what Linz predicted. The Trump administration is not refusing to share power with an opposing party. It is refusing to follow the constitutional limits of a government that its own party controls completely.

Donald Trump is unilaterally declaring the right to ignore spending levels set by Congress, and to eliminate agencies that Congress voted to create. What makes this demand so astonishing is that Trump could persuade Congress, which he commands in personality-cult style, to follow his demands. Republicans presently control both houses of Congress, and any agency that Congress established, it can also cut or eliminate.

Yet Trump refuses to even try to pass his plan democratically. And as courts have stepped in to halt his efforts to ignore the law, he is now threatening to ignore them too. “If a judge tried to tell a general how to conduct a military operation, that would be illegal,” Vice President J. D. Vance posted on X yesterday morning. “If a judge tried to command the attorney general in how to use her discretion as a prosecutor, that’s also illegal. Judges aren’t allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power.”... 
SCOTUS has now ruled (Trump v US) that an incumbent President is immune from both civil suits and criminal indictment should they stem from any "official acts." It would not be much of a distant further stretch for the "conservative" majority to soon declare that, given that SCOTUS has no independent armed enforcement entity, to simply find unequivocally that the only extant "remedy" is House impeachment and Senate conviction & removal.

Ain't gonna happen in this judico-political climate. Recall, we already been down that path twice. How did that work out?

How can we prevent our suicidal patients from killing themselves? That’s an important question for a primary-care physician like me. I am often in the position of trying to assess—in 15 minutes or less—which patients need urgent treatment. The type of guidance that might help me can be found in a paper that was published in 2022 on PSNet, the Patient Safety Network, a federally funded initiative. “Few considerations are more critical,” the authors wrote, “than identifying a person at risk for taking their own life.”

On January 31, however, the authors of that paper received a notice that their peer-reviewed article had been struck from the PSNet website. Apparently, it violated Executive Order 14168, “Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government,” signed by Donald Trump on his first day in office.

In addition to being a physician, I happen to be a woman, so I was curious why women needed defending from an analysis of how health professionals might better help suicidal patients. In the paper, the authors reminded clinicians to keep in mind which patient groups are known to be at higher risk, citing peer-reviewed data: “High risk groups include male sex, being young, veterans, Indigenous tribes, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning (LGBTQ).” The acknowledgment of transgender people, however peripheral, was apparently enough to invite the ax.

The memo came out on a Wednesday, and agencies had until 5 p.m. on Friday to scrub their websites—as well as their agencies, grants, contracts, and personnel—of anything that might “promote or inculcate gender ideology.” As a result, hundreds of government websites were shorn of articles, pages, and data sets about transgender issues, along with information on contraception, HIV, and abortion.

Much of the information that was stripped came from the CDC website, but even pages on the Census Bureau and the National Park Service sites came down. The tech-news publication 404 Media has estimated that more than 2,000 data sets have disappeared from government websites since Trump took office…
Infuriating. Dr. Ofri is one our most eminent physicians. I have cited her many times.

More coming...

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Hold My Bier™

Happy Birthday to me... 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Trump Attorney General Pam Blondi is sworn in,

and promptly declares all DEI initiatives presumptively "criminal" pending "investigation."

The Department of Justice is committed to enforcing all federal civil rights laws and ensuring equal protection under the law. As the United States Supreme Court recently stated, "[e]liminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it." Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard Coll., 600 U.S. 181, 206 (2023). On January 21, 2025, President Trump issued Executive Order 14173, Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity, 90 Fed. Reg. 8633 (Jan. 21, 2025), making clear that policies relating to "diversity, equity, and inclusion" ("DEi") and "diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility"("DEIA") "violate the text and spirit of our longstanding Federal civil-rights laws" and "undermine our national unity." Id. at 8633.

To fulfill the Nation's promise of equality for all Americans, the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division will investigate, eliminate, and penalize illegal DEi and DEIA preferences, mandates, policies, programs, and activities in the private sector and in educational institutions that receive federal funds

Full Pam Blondi 2-page memo here (PDF).

Of personal interest to me:
Below, to my specific concern:

My Granddaughter-in-Law KJ, wife of my elder Grandson Keenan and mother of my Great Grandson KAI. She loves being a teacher. Had I the money, I'd pay for her to go to the MIT Early Childhood Cognition Lab operation.
I've been trying to help with her graduate studies options. 

Will AG Blondi go after MIT?

A bit a quick searching led me here forthwith, Institute for Diversity Certification (IDC), Inc

An E-Z Blondi bullying target?


I'm not sure it's possible to overstate the threat at this point.


With Donald Trump’s return to the White House, the long-held conservative grudge against affirmative action and programs designed to upend the effects of racial discrimination has transformed into a witch hunt. In the past decade, conservatives have cycled through attacks on wokeness, affirmative action, critical race theory, and the diversity-equity-and-inclusion initiatives known, now pejoratively, as D.E.I. The target has moved, but the message is the same: anti-racism is divisive and discriminatory and should end at all costs.

Today, D.E.I. is in the crosshairs. Its elasticity has made it vulnerable to a wide-ranging blame game. D.E.I. can be many things, from efforts to increase the diversity of a workplace through hiring initiatives to the creation of affinity groups that bring underrepresented workers together. It may also include workplace trainings on topics such as racism, gender discrimination, and sexual harassment. Undoubtedly, there has been ham-fisted D.E.I. programming that is intrusive or even alienating, making workers feel that they are being told what to think or how to feel. But, for the most part, it is a relatively benign practice meant to increase diversity, while also sending a message that workplaces should be fair and open to everyone…

What critiques of D.E.I. tend to imply, but never quite openly say, is that competent white people are being replaced with incompetent Black people. Just as universities were blamed for displacing qualified and deserving Asian American students with unqualified and undeserving Black students in the lawsuit that led to the Supreme Court’s sacking of affirmative action, liberals are now accused of compromising the health and safety of the public to appease the special-interest demographic of incompetent and unqualified Black workers. D.E.I. has been blamed for the collapse of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge, the wildfires in Los Angeles, and the midair collision of a helicopter and a plane that killed sixty-seven people in Washington, D.C. Trump is using D.E.I. to scythe through the federal government’s disproportionately Black and female workforce and to upend programs that he and his adviser Elon Musk declare to be wasteful and superfluous. Among federal health workers, Black employees have reportedly been the focus of a right-wing “D.E.I. watch list,” which published their names and salaries alongside their alleged D.E.I. crimes…

In 1986, Gilda Radner, one of “Saturday Night Live” ’s original Not Ready for Prime Time Players, was diagnosed with Stage IV ovarian cancer, at the age of forty. She underwent a hysterectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation, entered remission, and became the public face of a support group for cancer patients called the Wellness Community, which focussed on positive thinking. She appeared on the cover of Life magazine with the headline “Gilda Radner’s Answer to Cancer: Healing the Body with Mind and Heart.” Then she learned that her cancer had spread.

Overwhelmed by fear and despair, Radner, who had a history of eating disorders, was drawn to members of the Wellness Community who followed a strict macrobiotic diet. “They seemed the least nervous and most in control of their lives,” she observes in her memoir, “It’s Always Something.” A beautiful woman with lymphoma made macrobiotic meals for Radner and told her that the diet has “cured a lot of people.” Radner hired a live-in macrobiotic chef, who fed her rice cream, miso soup, bean curd, and puréed vegetables, and instructed her to walk in her “stocking feet on the stones in the driveway” to help her intestines. She began to spend more time alone; her friends “asked too many questions about macrobiotics.”

Soon, Radner writes, “I was in outer space—feeling pure, chewing my food, blessed by God, sure that I had cancer under control and that it was disappearing from my body.” In fact, her blood levels of CA-125—an antigen that can be measured to detect ovarian cancer—had tripled, and her weight had dropped to ninety-three pounds. When she re-started chemotherapy, she was severely underweight, dehydrated, and required blood transfusions. Radner died in May, 1989, and it’s possible that her macrobiotic experiment hastened her death…

I know this problem all too painfully well. See here also.

More to come...

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


The abject cluelessness is rather breathtaking. More shortly, but, 

During a live TV joint press conference with Israeli PM Netanyahu tonight, President Trump called for all Palestinians to be permanently removed from the Gaza Strip to other neighboring Arab countries, so the U.S. could come in and re-develop it into a U.S. owned "Riviera of the Middle East."
I am not making that up.


Monday, February 3, 2025

Two weeks after Trump's 2025 Inauguration,

this is what I saw on my iPhone when I awoke.

Are we having fun yet?

…Musk is no reformer. He’s the mad king’s Hand, seizing real power with zero legitimacy.

Meanwhile, Trump’s meltdown is setting fire to American finances with a senseless tariff war. Between the two of them, they’re out to demolish America’s credibility, sabotage its economy, and unravel its global standing. They’re shutting down programs on aesthetic whim and personal pique, ignoring that an executive order doesn’t magically supersede the Constitution. The Democrats, so far, are mostly blinking in shock. The Republicans, once the party of checks and balances, have quietly hopped on board the carnival ride, letting Trump and Musk run the show.

We are under attack from a deranged billionaire and a senile narcissist. They’ve got the nuclear codes, the national treasure, and the might of the U.S. government in their sweaty palms. Unless we snap out of this trance, no one will save us but ourselves. The history books are littered with cautionary tales of mad kings and the ruin they wrought.

We’re living the sequel, folks, and it’s on us to change the ending.