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Saturday, April 6, 2019

Moving day

Truck comes today. KHIT will likely be dark for a week (leaving early Tuesday) as we traverse the country to Baltimore in convoy, dogs and cats in tow. Maybe I'll find time for updates enroute.

Yard signs in our new Baltimore neighborhood. Perfect.


Reviewed in Science Magazine:

…Topol describes the basics of so-called “deep” neural networks—“algorithms that permit software to train itself to perform tasks by processing multilayered networks of data”—by summarizing the kinds of problems for which these methods have been remarkably successful and reciting the litany of concerns arising from inscrutable decisions made by such networks (“baked in” biases, privacy issues, and the susceptibility of computer models to seemingly imperceptible changes to input data). “[They] still don't know exactly what features account for its success,” he writes about a Stanford computer program that matches the diagnostic success rate of dermatologists.

Most AI successes so far in health care have come from the application of image-interpretation methods in domains such as radiology, pathology, dermatology, and ophthalmology. Many of these strategies are restricted, for now, to the research literature, although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has recently approved a handful of such systems.

Techniques for assisting what Topol calls “clinicians without patterns”—medical professionals who make assessments and formulate plans by integrating heterogeneous data from a patient's records, medical literature, and talking with patients and their families—are at even earlier stages of development. These include digesting the medical literature in general internal medicine, diagnosing atrial fibrillation in cardiology, identifying the best available treatment in oncology, introducing precision robotics in surgery, and interpreting subtle cues from online communications in mental health (to which he devotes an entire chapter). Later chapters examine how AI could enhance the operations of the overall health system, aid in basic scientific discovery, and help bring nutrition and diet into consideration.

Last, Topol turns to his vision of how AI can provide a virtual medical assistant to clinicians and how these technologies can lead to the resurgence of the empathy-based care that Topol—and many others—miss in current health care. “AI can help achieve the gift of time with patients,” and that extra time can develop empathy, which “is not something machines can truly simulate.”…
I don't have time right now, but I'll get to it.Wonder what Seamus O'Mahony might think?


My moving truck is late, [bleep]. Now expected to arrive this evening. Not happy. Supposed to arrive yesterday.

Word of the day: "erisology." Interesting. The scholarly study of intractable disagreement. I have an interest there. Also, see my prior post "A 'Science of Deliberation'?"

More to come...

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