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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Vote early if you can.

We just did.

We dropped them off ni person this afternoon.


40 days to the November 5th elections. Will we have one of more significant "October Surprise(s)?"
  • Putin hits UKR nuke plants?
  • Israel and Hezbollah throw down all the way, perhaps dragging us in?
  • Jack Smith J6 revelations that move the needle?
And so forth. My anxiety will only grow.

Two new Kindle edition resources I just downloaded:

I have long had both in print. Have gotten much use out of the Oxford Dictionary.
But, the 78+ yr old eyes are getting increasingly bad. I've increasingly purchased Kindle editions of hardcopy books I already have.
More in a bit. Gotta go run and pick up Calvin...


apropos of the prior post—in particular the Ari Berman book Minority Rule—it became clear that my end-to-end familiarity with The Federalist Papers was significantly lacking. Consequently, I will slog attentively through all 544 pages / 85 Volumes of them. I've repeatedly studied the entirety of the U.S. Constitution with great care. Aspects of it were central to my 1998 Ethics & Policy Studies Graduate Thesis (large PDF: judge my cred for yourselves). 
Can't say the same about the Federalist Papers. If you're gonna thrust & parry with "originalist" advocates, being well-read in the FP seems warranted. I am remiss in that regard.

Similiarly, I will study every page of the 433 pgs of the Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy.
Also, re: the prior post, I can see that the "AI Artificial Arguments to Combat Conspiracy Thinking" is gonna require a good bit more close evaluation prior to proffering any conclusions (however tentative). With less than a month and a half to election day, this kind of thing will have no impac anyway. Other exigencies elevate, 'eh?

Off-topic: Just watched S4-E4 of "Slow Horses" on Apple TV+. Wow.

Fixin' to go to bed.


"Owning one puts you in a very exclusive Club."
Lordy, Mercy. 


More to come...

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