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Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Ukraine: the 44 million trolleys problem

Kyiv, Ukraine, before Putin's invasion.
Yeah, it's perhaps a bit of a clickbait headline. The analogy is somewhat strained. Humor me.
Recall that annoying "moral reasoning thought experiment" from undergrad PHIL101?
A trolley is running loose down the tracks without its driver, headed toward a cluster of unaware citizens who might be killed. You have access to track switching controls that could divert it to a siding, where it would subsequently certainly kill one innocent person prior to coming to rest. What should you do?
OK, rearrange the particulars. Do we "sacrifice" 44 million Ukrainians (on the siding) in materially passive deference to our larger concern that Vladimir Putin might unleash nuclear obliteration on the wider world, as he has repeatedly threatened?
20 days of Russian savagery have ensued as of today. Ukraine is being reduced to rubble, its non-combatant citizens terrorized. Several million Ukrainians have now fled their country. The misery is mind-boggling.
What would you do?

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