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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Project 2025 keeps popping up at DNC 2024 in Chicago

Yeah, sure.
First, let's hear from the ever-astute Legal Eagle Liz Dye.

Also, a quick summation from the Wall Street Journal.

I've long been way deep into this P.2025 thing. See "A breadth of sneering anti-"Woke Cultural Elites" vitriol. One Convenient Location." See also my July 4th post, "A Republic, if we can keep it."
One need only peruse to page 4 of 918 to catch the start-to-finish permeating odor.

More Photoshop fun with their cover art:

Back to DNC 2024 shortly. Final night. Wednesday night was very nice.
My Guv Wes Moore was a primetime speaker.

He began by recounting our Baltimore bridge disaster back in March, and the immediate assistance proactively provided by the Biden-Harris administration.

Also speaking: Oprah, and Mayor Pete. Both were marvelous.

Finally the VP nominee, MN Guv Tim Walz,

Al Sharpton introduced The Central Pa=k Five, wrongfully, racially targeted by the lifelong bigot Trump.

I come with a bit of personal reflection on racial bigotry.

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