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Saturday, September 28, 2019

"Covering Climate Now" - Here Comes The Sun

Barriers to a timely global transition to a just and sustainable #PostCarbonEra are entirely political (which includes the "economic" sphere), not technological. None of which is to imply a solar nirvana, so incumbent vested-interest (or simply ignorant) Climate Change Deniers can spare us the Perfectionism Fallacy.

I hope that this "Covering Climate Now" effort will have the requisite Legs. Frase's "Quadrant IV" draws nigh, whether we care to admit it or not.
Photovoltaic tech, wind turbines, passive floating ocean wave energy buoys are all "solar." Hydro power dams are essentially solar (yet I don't see us needing more of them long-term, given their other ecological liabilities). Why not develop photovoltaic capacity at scale to, say, desalinate sea water (and yeah, it too has toxic brine problems needing mitigation), and/or directly crack water into hydrogen and oxygen (in lieu of conventional catalytic converter tech that still leaves us with CO/CO2 residuals)?
Let us pause briefly from all of this heaviness...

Back on topic:



The Amazon blurb:
The proposal that the impact of humanity on the planet has left a distinct footprint, even on the scale of geological time, has recently gained much ground. Global climate change, shifting global cycles of the weather, widespread pollution, radioactive fallout, plastic accumulation, species invasions, the mass extinction of species - these are just some of the many indicators that we will leave a lasting record in rock, the scientific basis for recognizing new time intervals in Earth's history. The Anthropocene, as the proposed new epoch has been named, is regularly in the news.

Even with such robust evidence, the proposal to formally recognize our current time as the Anthropocene remains controversial both inside and outside the scholarly world, kindling intense debates. The reason is clear. The Anthropocene represents far more than just another interval of geologic time. Instead, the Anthropocene has emerged as a powerful new narrative, a concept through which age-old questions about the meaning of nature and even the nature of humanity are being revisited and radically revised.

This Very Short Introduction explains the science behind the Anthropocene and the many proposals about when to mark its beginning: the nuclear tests of the 1950s? The beginnings of agriculture? The origins of humans as a species? Erle Ellis considers the many ways that the Anthropocene's "evolving paradigm" is reshaping the sciences, stimulating the humanities, and foregrounding the politics of life on a planet transformed by humans. The Anthropocene remains a work in progress. Is this the story of an unprecedented planetary disaster? Or of newfound wisdom and redemption? Ellis offers an insightful discussion of our role in shaping the planet, and how this will influence our future on many fronts.

More to come... #CoveringClimateNow

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