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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

#LetsGetReal, now.

We all need to act in some capacity.

My wife is now partaking of their leadership training. Really liking it thus far.

Some of my prior anthropocene climate change posts are here. Also, see my one-off "Western U.S. drought" post from a few years back.
Capturing, converting, storing, and distributing all that "free" incoming solar energy sufficient to replace CO2-emitting carbon compound fuels—well, there are skeptics, and not all of them disingenuous fossil fuels industry shills. Solar panels and wind turbine farms just don't magically appear, and, likewise, sufficient raw materials and mfg capacity for efficient batteries at scale is a question. Hydroelectric dams, while basically comprising a proxy method of hydro cycle solar storage via water, come with their own environmental liabilities. What about the solar input necessarily consumed ongoing by the earth's aggregate biomass (of which humans reportedly comprise only about 0.01% by weight)?

Beyond the incumbent industry-motivated inertia, are there in fact significant tech and mfg barriers to getting us all the way there? I'd love to get the views of those who credibly know more.
In any event, the status quo isn't gonna cut it much longer.
UPDATE: What about mass production of H2 (pure hydrogen)? You'd have to separate it from other compounds—preferably H20 (either via electrolosis, high-temperature cracking, etc).
I share the concern.

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