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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

"Science Friction"

 Ran into this by way of a tweet this morning. Interesting. Trailer below.

Interesting male-to-female ratio there. Nonetheless, the broad point is taken.
Those TV documentaries you see, and the science experts they feature? Did you know that producers often edit them out of context, and twist their words, to make it seem like they promoted some pop sensationalism instead of the real facts? Science Friction exposes these faux documentaries by name, and gives the scientists a chance to clear the record.
Yeah. The disinfo problem is endemic, goes way beyond science.
 BTW. define "science."
Website here. You can rent or buy it via several streaming platforms. I'm gonna buy it through my Amazon Prime account, $4.99. Seems reasonable.
Below, the tweet-linked video that led me down this path.

apropos, see my post on The Big Myth.
I bought "Science Friction" via Amazon Prime. In the middle of it at the moment. Very good. A lot of the complaints about mis/disinfo have been around for decades, but this is a very nice compilation thus far, and includes much recent stuff (e.g., antivax dustups). Also, again, in this regard I would recommend Harry Frankfurter's book On Bullshit.
Finished "Science Friction." Yeah, very good. Mostly about purveyors of deliberate "disinformation," mostly in connection with disingenuously edited and packaged A/V productions.

OK, "Science Friction." Hmmm... How about an inverse linear "Coefficient of Fiction" metric? Sort of a Pearson-R knockoff (or, more crudely, an ordinal [ranking] measure mimicking the Spearman-Rho stat).
A CoFi

X-axis horizontal: the higher the "coefficient of fiction," the lower the (Y-axis vertical)—well—"Index of Credibility." 'eh?

Whatever. Yeah, I'm a long-time Stats Geek.
In the wake of "The Shadow Docket."
THE U.S. SUPREME COURT PLAYS A singular role. In no other major country do judges—independent, esteemed, serving for life—wield so much power. Nowhere else do people wait breathlessly each June for new rulings from nine unelected individuals. It is an anomaly in our democratic system. Its members have no innate authority. The Court has this power because we choose to believe in its status as above and beyond politics.

Over three days in June 2022, the Supreme Court changed America.

It overturned Roe v. Wade, repealing the protection for abortion rights in place for American women for a half century, and putting at risk all other privacy rights. It radically loosened curbs on guns, amid an epidemic of mass shootings. And it hobbled the ability of government agencies to protect public health and safety and stop climate change when the topic is a “major question.” The Court crammed decades of social change into three days…

Waldman, Michael. The Supermajority: How the Supreme Court Divided America (p. 1). Simon & Schuster. Kindle Edition.

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