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Thursday, June 15, 2023

So, where are we now?

Exigent priorities?
Some categories clearly continue to worsen (e.g., day 476 of Putin's 3-day conquest of Ukraine). Some appear to be relatively unchanged. A very few seem to be of perhaps lesser priority concern. 

If you're not confused, you've not been paying attention.
apropos of some recent reading:
...American democracy faces extraordinary pressure. The former president tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power and overthrow the constitutional order. That coup attempt was shambolic and clownlike. Future attacks on American democracy will be more systematic and more effective. Today much of the country falsely believes our democracy is rigged, riddled with fraud, and illegitimate. The future of our democratic system is on the line.

Three days in June 2022, the supermajority made its move. In coming years it will be up to the country to respond. In the term that started in the summer of 2021 and culminated with such force in the summer of 2022, the United States Supreme Court showed itself to be one of those threats to American democracy. Its role matters. Its membership matters. These concerns will now be at the center of our politics. That’s as it should be. Conservatives long understood, and liberals now are remembering, that the only way to win meaningful legal and policy change is first to win in the court of public opinion. It turns out that the most important words in the Constitution are “We the People.”

Waldman, Michael. The Supermajority: How the Supreme Court Divided America (p. 270). Simon & Schuster. Kindle Edition.


Happy Father's Day, Donnie. 

Jersey Boy. I'm from Jersey. Not a big Christie fan, but, gotta give him Joisey props for his candor while the rest of the 2024 GOP primary field wets their Depends.


Is this a great country, or what?

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